Digging deep
This morning I took Cynthia Chylik’s power vinyasa class (and it rocked – thank you Cynthia!). As we settled into child’s pose after a challenging standing sequence, she spoke to us about going deep, beneath the surface. Hearing the silence that lies beneath the chatter of our minds. She likened this to either riding a wave of the sea (surface) or going deep sea diving, where there is space, quiet, and depth. To grow, or rather to find the growth that’s already in us, we need to go deep.
Maybe you have someone in your life who always stays on the surface. Who’s big into small talk, perhaps, or who does’t really listen when you try to get a little deeper. Or maybe that person is you – skating on the surface, well within your comfort zone. If you don’t dive at least a little deeper, the relationship will not grow. Plain and simple. Maybe that’s just fine and serves you well. But if you want growth, within yourself or with another, you should be prepared to put on your diving mask.
This was so what I needed to hear today (isn’t it funny how often that happens in yoga?). I’ve committed to 365 days of meditation and I’m a week in. It’s hard for me to sit still and just be. But I know so much will happen when I get comfortable going beneath the surface. Tapping into the stillness that lies beneath my always-racing mind.
Here’s the growth and going a little deeper in 2016. Cheers!